Podcast 31 – Kelly Willenberg -Perspective Comes From Experiences


About the Episode:

MentorCore – Kelly Willenberg

This week we welcome Kelly Willenberg (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-willenberg-04418a6 ) to the show. Kelly is a clinical oncology nurse, clinical trials nurse, and billing compliance expert. Kelly is the founder of Kelly Willenberg and Associates https://kellywillenberg.com.

In this episode we chat with Kelly about how her role as a clinician helped her be a better compliance professional, along with a host of other topics:

  • What are the benefits and risks of entering a role without experience?
  • How does working in clinical trials and as a nurse affect one’s perspective on compliance?
  • What is the right balance between gaining experience in preparation for a role vs jumping in and doing it in the role itself?
  • How can consideration for what led to something help better understand reasons for compliance?
  • How does life experience and mentoring add to the in-job experience in preparing you for a role?
  • How to maintain wellness in a state of being “always on” and the value of stepping away from the screen?
  • What’s exciting and what’s on tap from the next generation of compliance professionals as they continue to grow in the field?
  • Why is it important to deeply connect with people beyond the superficial layer?

Stay tuned to find out how being a Disc Jockey helped Kelly’s compliance career, along with the best advice she ever received from a mentor.

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About the Guest:

Dr. Willenberg is the owner of Kelly Willenberg, LLC. As an oncology nurse, Kelly is an expert in clinical trial management, billing and reimbursement. Kelly is a frequent speaker/trainer on healthcare compliance issues, grief, loss and has been recognized with awards as the highest rated speaker at conferences across the Globe. Kelly is an author, editor, writer, blogger, and serves as a faculty member for Health Care Compliance Association’s Research Academy. She also serves on the Board of Directors for HCCA/SCCE. She serves on the Small Business Regulatory Review Committee for the State of South Carolina and the South Carolina Nurses Association Board. Kelly is also a previous President of Multiples of America and has served that organization for over 25 years. Three years ago, Kelly’s husband was tragically killed in a hit and run bicycling accident. Since that time and upon the donation of his organs to help others, Kelly has not only been involved in the push for tougher distracted driving laws, but has been appointed to the OPTN Lung Translation Committee. Kelly has lobbied and testified before law makers on a variety of topics. Kelly works to honor her husband’s untimely death and helps others as they struggle with loss and grief. Kelly owns three companies including a training company, a professional speaking and podcast company and a healthcare compliance company that specializes in healthcare research compliance.

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